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Calling All Platforms Tech and Gaming News

Dec 16, 2019


Google: 1:00

- Pixel feature drops.

- Google Messages get verified SMS.


General Tech: 7:23

- Get Samual L. Jackson as a voice option on Echo.


Apple: 9:36

- Mac Pro.


Microsoft: 25:49

- Wunderlist is being shut down.


Gaming: 27:31

- Minecraft cross-play is coming to PS4.

- Multiplayer updates for Gears 5.


Dec 10, 2019


Apple: 1: 1:32

- Apple may be releasing 4 iPhones in fall of 2020.

- 2021 iPhone with no ports.

- SE 2 may be called iPhone 9.

- Mini LED displays in 2020 iPad Pro and MacBook Pro.


General Tech: 9:40

- Intel 10th Gen HEDP processors.

- AMD Threadripper 3.


Google: 21:29

- Larry Page and Sergey Brin step down from...