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Calling All Platforms Tech and Gaming News

Dec 15, 2020


Apple: 1:17

- AirPods Max launched


Google: 19:31

- Early YouTube TV subscribers can get a free ChromeCast with Google TV

- Apple Music on Google Assistant smart speakers

- Pixel Feature Drop


Microsoft: 28:37

- Windows 10 for ARM runs better on M1 than Surface Pro X


Gaming: 31:34

- Lots on game announcements...

Dec 8, 2020


Apple: 1:43

- Could there be yet another hardware announcement this year?


Google: 9:20

- Google Messages is getting scheduled sending


Generel Tech: 12:22

- Snapdragon 888

- Wyze Watch

- Amazon giving ability to attach webcam to Fire TV Cube


Microsoft: 30:16

- Microsoft acquires for MSN...